By nazera - July 21, 2020

People who have never meet or encounter an autistic person before may not understand their behaviour and quick to judge them as they don’t act as normally as they should. An autistic child may say something that can come of as rude to others that are hearing but actually they just don’t know how to use the right words. Parents would usually understand as to what their child is trying to say, however, strangers would likely think that the child is misbehaving and the parents are to blame for not teaching them good manners. Autistic kids are not good in social situations and interacting with other people may takes time for them to adjust properly. You need to take time to understand autistic kids, then you will see how wonderful they really are.
Autistic children’s brains process information differently than others, and small children most often need constant supervision to avoid them from getting in trouble.

Characteristics of people with autism that can be seen by a few but not all autistic person are:
● Seemingly inappropriate laughing or giggling
● No fear of dangers
● Appear to be unaware when people talk to them
● Insensitivity to pain
● Resistance to cuddling
● Sustained repetitive play
● Avoidance of eye contact
● Prefer being alone
● Difficulty expressing needs
● Attachment to objects
● Insistence on sameness
● Inappropriate response or no response to sounds
● Repetitive spinning of toys or objects
● Repeat or echo words or phrases
● Have trouble relating to others or not have an interest in other people at all

Some autistic people can come of as obvious to the public, and they can easily noticed the person is pretty different from others with the signs that they are showing. Many autistic children are essentially non-verbal. Studies show, however, most of these children do acquire language skills, and nearly half become fluent speakers.

According to a research, about 1 in 59 children has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but boys have 4 times higher rate than girls and there are still no further research that can prove as to why it happens. However, girls are better at hiding their symptoms rather than boys. Regardless of gender differences, we need to be kind and understanding towards every autistic person and their parents or guardian as they faced different hardships than normal people does in this world. Autistic people are real and they need to be accepted for who there are because it’s hard for them to be what the society describe as “normal”. Get to know an autistic person then you can see the world through their eyes. Just be kind in general, it would not hurt to try.

Try Seeing the World through Autistic Eyes . (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2020, from

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